Name: Tetris 2D
Description: Drop the blocks in this classic arcade puzzle game.
Category: Puzzle
Number of Times Played: 787
Name: Penguin Push
Description: Move the blocks around into the proper spot.
Category: Puzzle
Number of Times Played: 781
Name: Demon
Description: Move both red and blue dots into their proper places.
Category: Puzzle
Number of Times Played: 797
Name: Kira's Quiz
Description: Answer the difficult questions to Kira's test and get her to take off her clothes.
Category: Puzzle
Number of Times Played: 854
Name: Octopoids
Description: Move the octopus' across the area to safety.
Category: Puzzle
Number of Times Played: 736
Name: Quiz Time with Chrono 2
Description: Chrono will test you on sounds from various Super Nintendo games.
Category: Puzzle
Number of Times Played: 751
Name: Quiz Time with Chrono 3
Description: Chrono tests you this time on storylines of various Super Nintendo games.
Category: Puzzle
Number of Times Played: 752
Name: Nub
Description: Walk around the platforms and make it to the exit.
Category: Puzzle
Number of Times Played: 781
Name: Clock Sim Valentine
Description: Find out who your clock lover is for valentines day.
Category: Puzzle
Number of Times Played: 790
Name: Panic Puzzle
Description: Type in the letters and solve the puzzle before the letters get taken away.
Category: Puzzle
Number of Times Played: 748
Name: Quiz Time with Chrono 4
Description: Chrono gives you a test on more backgrounds from Super Nintendo games.
Category: Puzzle
Number of Times Played: 749
Name: Death Wears a Tophat
Description: Find out who committed the murder and solve it quickly.
Category: Puzzle
Number of Times Played: 763